Wednesday, June 13, 2012

MYTH: Food Doesn't Taste As Good As Skinny Feels

For the past month and a half I've been "dieting."  Something I swore I would never do, but I guess that was easy for 90 pound, 22 year old me to promise.  More than slightly heavier, 30 year old me still hates the idea, but also hates not fitting into any of my clothes.  As someone who never worked out, never played sports and ate legitimately whatever I wanted in whatever quantities I felt like, this is a WHOLE new world for me.  And so far, not an enjoyable one.  

Up to now, I've almost exclusively been doing a calorie counting diet.  I have not been able to go to the gym or do much at all physically after an injury a few days into this process.  Everyone told me that once I did the diet changes for three weeks or so, it would be habit and would become second nature.  While I lost a SIGNIFICANT amount with the major changes in my diet, I'm not seeing or feeling any change in how things fit.  I also miss food I can taste.  And enjoy.  More than I want to admit.  I've come to hate mealtimes.  I'd be as dramatic as to say that the experience has made me a little depressed.  Nothing is habit or second nature yet.  In fact, still very opposite. 

I was able to start back at the gym this week (a phenomenon that is also pretty foreign to me as I've only been a member since December and I've been to gyms just a handful of times in my life) so I'm hoping that will help a bit with giving me some options back for my diet. I understand there are no "quick fixes" but I can understand why so many people turn to diet pills and sketchy programs - dieting is akin to torture.  I still think the pill/quick fix route is a bad idea, but I definitely have found myself paying more attention to how many of these programs exist and how wonderful their claims sound. 

With the help of my supportive and knowledgeable friend as well as utilizing the "MyPlate" tool on, I have learned a lot and definitely have a much better awareness of what and how much I typically eat.  That being said, I cannot see myself sticking to this strict type of plan long-term.  I would LOVE to have a change of heart as I try to continue over the month of July, but I have realized that I take such pleasure in the food I eat and the experience of dining.  I have never experienced it firsthand, but I would think this is what it feels like to go through withdrawals.  Yes, food=drugs for me. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hint, Hint, Assholes.

Funny Seasonal Ecard: The only thing I hate more than people with summer houses are people who don't invite me to their summer houses.

That Just Happened

I turned 30 a week ago.  Thinking of starting up my blog again because I hear memory is the first thing to go.

Monday, January 05, 2009


It all started when trying to pick a quote for my high school yearbook senior year. I could not pick just one quote I liked… so I started to compile the few that I had at that point. Ever since, I (sometimes obsessively) horde quotes that I love – wherever they come from and record them in a blank journal. I now have 3+ journals filled. I have also created an electronic version and, arguably, could continue with JUST this version, but there’s something necessary to me in the hand-written step. At first, I did not keep track of the quote sources, but righted myself there fairly quickly and have gone back to research as many pre-recorded quote sources as possible. My quote collection is one of my most prized possessions and I love any excuse to go on a search for the perfect quote for any given situation. This is absolutely worth doing!

State List

I would like to take a moment to thank my 3rd grade music teacher for teaching the song “Fifty Nifty United States”

Alabama – Visited
Arizona – Passed through
California – Lived here
Connecticut – Visited
Delaware – Passed through
Florida – Lived here
Georgia – Passed through
Kentucky – Passed through
Louisiana – Visited
Maryland – Passed through
Massachusetts – Lived here
Mississippi – Visited
Nevada – Visited
New Hampshire
New Jersey – Passed through
New Mexico – Passed through
New York – Visited
North Carolina – Visited
North Dakota
Ohio – Lived here
Pennsylvania – Visited
Rhode Island – Visited
South Carolina – Visited
South Dakota
Tennessee – Passed through
Texas – Passed through
Utah – Passed through
Virginia – Passed through
Washington – Visited
West Virginia – Passed through

There are 23 states I have never set foot in (if I counted correctly) so I have “touched down” in over half the states! Still have quite a ways to go…

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Seriously, this bag is pure genius! I am just mad I did not think of it first!

Miche Bag

Read a book a week

With my new Kindle, this should be much easier since half of the reason I do not read as much as possible is that I do not always carry books. I am well on my way to finishing “Twilight” and have about 10 other books I downloaded for free that I’m itching to get to.

Here I Go Again...

Now that I have Whitesnake lyrics running through my head...

The fact that it is a new year has not escaped my notice. It's a bit hard to ignore, of course. My renewed determination naturally extends to blogging, among other things. I discovered 43 Things at just the right time so that my "things" will essentially consist of my resolutions. I have always been one of those poor souls who become invigorated by the achievement of slashing through items on a list and somehow I am even more excited by the idea that I get to click on a button to proclaim "I'M DONE!" Plus the notion that making this list of "things" public will make me more likely to complete them somehow makes perfect sense to me. I'm actually excited to get started! Oh, the first week of January...